Terms and Conditions 


Effective Date: 10th May, 2024

This document ("Contract") constitutes a legally binding agreement between you (referred to as "you," "your," or "User") and Compoundify Solutions LLP (referred to as "we," "our," or "10xer.club"). By accessing, using, or registering an account with our Services (defined below), you agree to enter into this Contract and abide by the terms set forth below in this Contract and privacy policy. You are bound by this Contract even if you are using our Services on behalf of a company or other person.

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1. Introduction and Definitions

1.1. This document ("Terms") sets forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of the website www.10xer.club ("Website") owned and operated by Compoundify Solutions LLP. By subscribing to any of our Services and/or using, accessing this Website in any manner, you consent to be bound by all of the terms contained herein and on the Website.

1.2. In this Contract:

- "Services" shall mean the various educational content dissemination services provided by 10xer.club through various media including, but not limited to, audio, visual, textual, or physical means, whether live or pre-recorded.

- "Content" shall refer to all material, including but not limited to, text, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content, provided by 10xer.club through the Website and Services.

- "User" refers to any individual or entity accessing or using the Website or Services provided by 10xer.club.

- "Website" refers to the website www.10xer.club owned and operated by Compoundify Solutions LLP.

2. Subscription of Services

2.1. 10xer.club provides Users with access to educational content through various membership plans available on the Website.

2.2. Users may subscribe to the Services by completing the registration process on the Website and paying for their membership upon invitation.

2.3. Membership fees and refund terms are outlined on the Website and are subject to change at the discretion of Compoundify Solutions LLP.

3. Registration of User

3.1. To access and use the Services, Users are required to apply for membership on the Website by providing accurate and complete registration information.

3.2. Users shall not provide any false personal information to 10xer.club or create any account for anyone other than themselves without proper authorization.

3.3. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their personal information and for all activities that occur under their account.

4. Pricing, Payment, and Refund Policy

4.1. Users agree to pay all fees and applicable charges for Services subscribed to from 10xer.club.

4.2. Payment for Services shall be made in advance and in accordance with the payment terms specified.

4.3. Refunds are subject to the refund policy outlined on the Website and are granted at the sole discretion of Compoundify Solutions LLP.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

5.1. All Content provided by 10xer.club through the Website and Services is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and laws.

5.2. Users must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any Content from the 10Xer Club Website, learning portal, WhatsApp groups, Notion sites etc. Services without the express written consent of Compoundify Solutions LLP.

5.3. Users acknowledge and agree that any unauthorised use of the Content may violate applicable copyright and other intellectual property laws.

5.4 All the content or materials available through the Membership or the Website, including but not limited to reading or reference material, live/ recorded sessions, assignments, quizzes, illustrations, documents, materials, audio and video clips, system, data, graphic media, programs, software, code, images, text, layouts, arrangements, displays, HTML and files are the property of the Company and any copyright, patent and/ or other proprietary intellectual property rights under Indian and foreign laws shall also belong to the Company. You further agree that the logos, trademarks and service marks that may appear on the Website or in the Programs/ Services are the property of the Company, protected under the Indian and foreign laws. Moreover, the elements of the Website shall not be copied, reproduced, distributed or downloaded by the User in whole or in part in any way without the express written consent of the Company

6. User Conduct and Guidelines

6.1. Users are expected to maintain a reasonable standard of decorum, decency, and integrity while being a part of the Club. 

6.2. Users agree to comply with all guidelines and rules outlined in these Terms and any additional guidelines provided by 10xer.club over email or communicated verbally 

7. Personal Information and Data Security

7.1. Users' privacy and data security are of utmost importance to 10xer.club. Please refer to our Privacy Policy available on the Website to understand how we collect, use, share, and protect your data and personal information.

7.2. By using the Website and Services, Users consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

8. Third Party Apps

8.1. The Website and Services may contain links to third-party websites or applications. When Users access third-party websites or applications, they do so at their own risk.

8.2. 10xer.club does not endorse or control the content, products, or services provided by third-party websites or applications.

9. Indemnity

9.1. Users agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Compoundify Solutions LLP, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, and agents from all losses, costs, actions, claims, damages, expenses (including legal costs), or liabilities that arise from or relate to their use of the Website or Services.

9.2 In addition to and not in derogation of, the specific indemnities provided by You to the Company under these Terms of Use and/or policies of the Company, You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, representatives, shareholders, contractors, users and agents etc. against any and all Losses arising out of or in connection with, any claim, suit, action or other proceeding brought against the Company/ Website, to the extent such losses are based on or arising out of or in connection with: (a) any breach or non-performance of any of the Terms of Use and/ or other terms and conditions of the Company/ Website with respect to use and access of the Website and availing of Service(s); (b) truthfulness and correctness of the data and information provided by the User at the time of creating an account on the Website and/ or availing the Service(s); (c) any claim which the User may have with respect to transaction, dealing and arrangement with the other user of the Website or with an third party; (d) any content posted by the User on the Website and User's use of the Service(s) available on the Website; and/or (f) breach of any third party rights (including, but not limited to, claims in respect of defamation, invasion of privacy, or infringement of any other intellectual property rights).

9.3 You release and indemnify the Website/Company and/or any of its officers and representatives from any Losses, liability or other consequence of any of the actions of the other Users of the Website and specifically waive any claims that you may have in this behalf under any Applicable Law. Notwithstanding its reasonable efforts on that behalf, the Company/Website cannot take responsibility or control the information provided by other Users which is made available on the Website.

10. Limitation of Liability

10.1. Compoundify Solutions LLP shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential losses or damages arising from Users' use of the Website or Services of the Club. 

10.2. In no event shall Compoundify Solutions LLP’s total liability exceed the total amount paid by the User for the Services subscribed to.

11. Termination of Services / Deletion of Account

11.1. Compoundify Solutions LLP reserves the right to terminate Users' accounts and access to all or any part of the Website or Services at any time, effective immediately, for violation of any of the terms of these Terms.

11.2. Users may request the deletion of their account by contacting Compoundify Solutions LLP through the contact information provided on the Website.

12. Modification of Terms of Use

12.1. Compoundify Solutions LLP reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any of the terms of these Terms, or change, suspend, or discontinue any of its Services at any time.

13. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

13.1. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. The courts of Bengaluru, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of these Terms.

14. Miscellaneous

14.1. These Terms contain the entire agreement between Users and Compoundify Solutions LLP with respect to the subject matter herein.

14.2. Any failure to enforce any provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver thereof.

14.3. These Terms may be modified or amended at the sole discretion of Compoundify Solutions LLP.

15. Grievance Redressal and Grievance Officer

15.1. Users may raise queries or complaints with Compoundify Solutions LLP by contacting the Grievance Officer.

Grievance Officer:

Name: Harinder Singh Pelia

Designation: Director

16. Cookies

16.1. We employ the use of cookies. By accessing 10xer.club, Users agree to use cookies in agreement with our Privacy Policy.

17. Hyperlinking to our Content

17.1. Please refer to our Website's linking policy for guidelines on hyperlinking to our Content.

18. Your Privacy

18.1. Please read our Privacy Policy to understand how we handle your privacy.

19. Reservation of Rights

19.1. We reserve the right to request removal of any links/content to our Website that we deem inappropriate.

20. Removal of Content from our Website

20.1. If Users find any content on our Website offensive, they may inform us, and we will consider requests to remove links.

21. Disclaimer

21.1. Please refer to our Website's disclaimer for information regarding limitations of liability.

22. iFrames

22.1. Without prior approval and written permission, Users may not create frames around our Web Pages that alter the visual presentation or appearance of our Website.

23. Content Liability

23.1. We shall not be held responsible for any content that appears on Users' Websites.

24. Licence

24.1. Unless otherwise stated, Compoundify Solutions LLP and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on 10xer.club. All rights reserved.

25. Competing Agreement

25.1. 10xer.club members agree not to compete with any of the educational products and hiring platform/services businesses. If evidence of such involvement is found, legal action may be pursued.

26. Comments Policy

26.1. Please refer to our Website's Comments Policy for guidelines on posting comments.

27. Warranties and Representations

27.1. Users warrant and represent that they are entitled to post Comments on our Website and have all necessary licences and consents to do so.

28. Refund Policy and Assured Interviews Guarantee

Refund Policy

1. Membership Fees Refund: Membership fees are refundable under certain conditions as outlined below:

   a. Membership fees are refundable until 7 days before the closest 8-week immersion start date. For example, if a User paid on June 28 and the closest immersion start date is August 7, they will be eligible for a refund until August 1. All refunds will be processed within 14 days of request being accepted by Compoundify Solutions LLP.

   b. Membership fees are not refundable if the immersion start date has passed or if the member has consumed any learning modules/content of 10xer.club or spent more than 2 weeks as a member in the community, whichever comes first.

Assured Interviews Guarantee

2. Eligibility Criteria: The 3 assured interviews or 100% fee back guarantee will be applicable to all learners who:

   a. Attend all sessions organised for their cohort.

   b. Submit all assignments on time and pass the grade thresholds (minimum L2 in all submissions) or as communicated by the facilitator and contribute meaningfully to the Sandbox consulting assignment (peer-reviewed)

   c. Have not indulged in any unfair practice and have maintained model behaviour throughout the program.

3. Qualification Process: Once the first three conditions are met, learners need to qualify a charter exam as set by the 10xer Club team, within the given deadline. Decision communicated will be final and binding.

4. Assured Interviews: Upon qualifying for the charter and demonstrating the application of learned skills, the 10xer Club team will work with their hiring partners and other companies to assure them 3 interviews in a period of 6 months from the date of completion of the cohort.

5. Step Up Roles: "Step up roles" would mean roles that are reasonably better than the candidate's current role in compensation, designation, role impact, or company reputation. 

6. Performance Expectation: Candidates have to ensure that they use these interviews in the best possible way, and willful bad performance will mean that the refund policy doesn't apply to them and suspension of their membership to the 10Xer Club. 

7. Refund Guarantee: If after 6 months, 10xer Club is unable to provide 3 interviews to the learner, we will issue a refund of 100% of the fee paid, subject to deductions on payment gateway charges etc., within 30 days of the request made.

29. Code of Conduct 

The User hereby agrees to refrain from engaging in the following activities under these Terms of Use:

(a) Hosting, displaying, uploading, modifying, publishing, transmitting, updating, or sharing any information that belongs to another person without proper authorization;

(b) Infringing upon intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary rights, as well as violating the privacy rights of any individual;

(c) Disseminating false or misleading information in any manner;

(d) Violating any applicable law currently in force;

(e) Engaging in or advocating the harassment of others;

(f) Participating in the transmission of unsolicited mass mailings, chain mails, or spamming activities;

(g) Promoting illegal activities or engaging in abusive, obscene, defamatory, or libelous conduct;

(h) Soliciting or participating in illegal gambling activities;

(i) Causing harm to minors in any manner;

(j) Sharing content that is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of privacy, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, disparaging, or encouraging unlawful activities;

(k) Deceiving or misleading other Users about the origin of messages, communicating offensive or menacing information, or engaging in fraudulent activities;

(l) Threatening the unity, integrity, defence, security, or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, or insulting other nations;

(m) Promoting the unauthorised copying of copyrighted works;

(n) Providing material that exploits individuals in a sexual, violent, or otherwise inappropriate manner, or soliciting personal information from others;

(o) Offering instructional information about illegal activities, such as making or buying illegal weapons, violating privacy, or creating computer viruses;

(p) Attempting to gain unauthorised access to the Website or soliciting passwords or personal information from other Users for commercial or unlawful purposes;

(q) Referring to any website or URL that contains inappropriate material as determined solely by our discretion.

Furthermore, the User agrees not to:

(a) Reveal or disclose confidential or proprietary information of other Users, the Company/Website, or any third party;

(b) Introduce computer contaminants, software viruses, or any computer code designed to interrupt or limit the functionality of the Website;

(c) Introduce programs that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of other Users or the Company/Website;

(d) Download, copy, or reproduce any file or information available on the Website without proper authorization;

(e) Deface or vandalise the Website or hinder others from using it;

(f) Stalk, threaten, or harass other Users or infringe upon their privacy;

(g) Infringe upon the intellectual property rights or trade secrets of the Company/Website, other Users, or any third party;

(h) Impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent themselves or their affiliation;

(i) Engage in trading items prohibited or restricted by applicable laws;

(j) Create liability for the Company/Website or cause the loss of services of its internet service provider or other suppliers.

These Terms and Conditions and the associated Privacy Policy are subject to change without prior notice. It is the responsibility of Users to review these documents periodically for any updates or modifications. By continuing to use the Website and Services, Users agree to be bound by the most current version of these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.